Ami from HANDMAKERY is back today to share Part 2 of her Sculpture with Kids: Ugo Rondinone Artist Study series! This time, she and her kids study Ugo’s Human Nature installation that was at Rockefeller Center in New York City in 2013. Using a similar technique to Part One, Ami explores paper mâché and magnets, along…
Sculpture with Kids: Ugo Rondinone Artist Study (Part 1)
Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my favorite people of all time. Ami from HANDMAKERY in Carbondale, Colorado is here to tell us about the amazing sculpture project she did with her kids, studying the work of Seven Magic Mountains artist Ugo Rondinone. Ami’s projects always blow. me. away. She…
Layered Abstract Paintings with Kids
I am thrilled today to introduce you to a new contributor to Art Bar. Please welcome Jennifer Bryant from small hands big art in Charlotte, North Carolina!!! I have been stalking wooing Jennifer for many many months because I simply am in awe of everything she does with the multi-age kids in her art studio….
Recycled Materials Art Wall
My young students constructed this art wall from recycled materials, and then they mixed all of their own colors and painted it!! Kids are so capable. It’s no wonder that everything my students design and create makes me want to open a children’s art museum. Can you imagine how cool that would be? Artists from…
Collaborative Painting with Kids
This project is one that I do over and over again with the 4yr olds in art class. I think all of the paintings they make could hang in a museum, but especially these large collaborative ones! It’s such a simple yet deeply fulfilling process-art experience for them. This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your…
Mini Canvas Paintings with Kids
I’m so in love with these mini paintings my four-year olds made. Aren’t they beautiful? I found a roll of canvas in my attic. The same roll that I had been lugging around since college!! Yes, it’s true. For more than 20 years that roll has been moving from apartment to apartment and house to…