It’s been one whole year of making from Art Bar on Small for Big! Today I am featuring a round-up of some of my faves. It is also a goodbye for me as I will be leaving my contributor position to focus on some exciting things happening here at home. Mari has been so generous and kind to give me this amazing chance to share my projects and crafts with a bigger audience. As a new blogger, she showed me the ropes and helped me find my voice. I will be forever grateful to her and her readers!!
On another note, my hashtag project on instagram has been SO FUN!! Thank you all for participating. It’s awesome to see all of the stuff you guys are making. Bravo to you!! Above are some that I wanted to share with you. Keep tagging your photos with #makeit2014 as I will continue to share your handmade goodness!
row one: @mericherryla, @schaeresteipapier, @bmarcogliese
row two: @willowdaygram, @alldayalldamnday, @jesscornman
row three: @jesscornman, @mericherryla, @cdouglas9
row four: @willowdaygram, @giddyja, @simplybike
And finally, another installment of the things I am loving on the interweb these days….
Love This {five}
1. Two women went on a canoe ride to the island. What they saw on the way back was unimaginable….and hints at universal principles yet to be understood.
2. A quick tutorial on drawing your hand in 3-D. The kids will love this!
3. Essential oils are what I’m buying for my one child who tends to be anxious and a worrier. I am so excited to try these!
4. Going on a road trip soon with your kids? This simple yet brilliant road trip game with keep them from fighting the whole way!
5. This article about toys made me both long to do what this mom did, and gasp at what this mom did. What do you think?
6. I want to buy this star light for my son’s room…i love this company!
7. Love, LOVE this dad. Read about his brilliant and creative way to stay connected to his 5-year old son while traveling.
8. A 13-yr old girl gives a heart-rending answer to Matt Damon about what she will do with her free time, now that her village has access to fresh water. Makes you think.
9. This 4-yr old has become an internet phenom overnight. She designs and makes dresses out of paper. I love her! If you haven’t already seen this, you might be living under a rock.
10. And lastly, these 100 calorie double fudge muffins literally look like heaven! Made with bananas and 1/4 cup sugar which you could replace with natural sweetener…they are healthy, too!
Have a great week!
xo, Bar
Wow. It is very bitter-sweet… So, you wont be blogging here anymore? Nowhere? BUT, this is such exciting news! My entire focus now after being off work for almost 5-6 years (from a temporary inability to work) is to learn more about blogging, some more university, & work from home. I have found soo many inspiring colorful cheerful and encouraging messages from posts on your blog. I enjoy it here much. I am certain you will continue to spread that light of yours around your future ventures. BEST OF LUCK & huge thanks for the encouragement & shares…
meri cherry
SO much amazing inspiration Bar! I love #makeit2014! Thanks for all the shootouts. Can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store. MAKE MAKE MAKE! xo