It’s time for my monthly (ish) round-up of the things I’m loving these days.
But first… We had someone very close to us pass away this week. His heart stopped, at the age of 49. He left behind his beautiful daughter who is 14, and his dear and very spectacular wife. They are being brave and strong, as well as falling apart and weeping. George was his own person, so smart and funny with a story about everything and a twinkle in his eye. I loved being with him because he could always articulate what I couldn’t, and then add a punch line. He wore interesting t-shirts and brought over his own specialty beer wherever he went. He could see the big picture, he didn’t sweat the small stuff. George will be deeply missed. In his honor, I wanted to promote and salute all of the people in the world who are comfortable enough in their own skin to always be real and just totally awesome.
Love This {five}
1. Read this spot-on little piece about what you learn in your 40’s. But only if you’re in your 40’s.
2. Boyfriends do their girlfriends makeup. This is funny.
3. Photographer Kate T. Parker empowers girls with her photos. Her message: Strong is the new pretty. Yes!
4. Dalton Ghetti sculpts the tippy top of pencils. You’ll have to see it to believe it.
5. I need to own these tea towels.
6. These rainbow pencils are brilliant, just so simple and beautiful. I’m happy they are on the earth.
7. Affordable original paintings by Emily Jeffords. The stillness and beauty of her paintings make me feel calm.
8. I love the simplicity of these nature crowns. I am definitely making these at art camp this summer!
9. These two young boys brought the house to tears with their original rap song in front of thousands. Kids are just so darn brave!
Have a happy weekend!
xo, Bar
Kristen - Art History Mom
I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend, Bar.
Barbara Rucci
thank you kristen. xx bar
I’m also so sorry for your loss. (I also dig the rainbow pencils.)
Barbara Rucci
thank you leslie. xx bar
meri cherry
Love to you and your friend and her family. Life is so unfair sometimes. Big hug.
Barbara Rucci
so true…it’s the unfairness that really makes me mad. thanks for thinking of us! xx bar