Are you familiar with the phrase Creative Invitation? It’s when you set out some interesting materials on a table which are so enticing, they beckon or invite children to come over and make a creation. Typically, this is a simple set-up with no set instructions and is child-led and open-ended, where there is no right…
The Importance of Play
I have just finished reading Nurture Shock, by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman, for the second time. Forgetting that I’d already read it, I picked it up again and was just as fascinated. It’s nothing like a parenting manual. In fact, this insightful book transcends basic child rearing. I highly recommend this book. The authors propose…
Jump Rope Rhymes
With spring in the air, our minds are one step away from summer. I pulled out these photos of my little guy learning to jump rope last year with his cousin and uncle. Here’s a great book of old-fashioned jump-rope rhymes that you can buy and teach your kids. Or google jump rope rhymes and…