Last week in art camp the 4-yr olds made these beautiful castles. They were totally into it! We made them over a period of three days, with drying time. When they finally took them home, they were completely sturdy and ready for imaginary play!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
Two shoeboxes of different sizes (or small shipping boxes)
Scissors and exacto knife (optional, but helps cut windows)
TP rolls, corks, popsicle sticks, other recycled materials
String + colored tapes (you can get these from Amazon or Etsy)
Step 1: Take the lids off the boxes and turn them upside down. Cut doors and windows. Glue the smaller box on top of the bigger box. Let dry overnight.
Step 2: Give them each 4 toilet paper rolls to glue on top. Put out recycled materials in baskets or bowls. I put out corks, popsicle sticks and cut little “bricks” from cardboard. You could also use bottle caps, wooden spools, or anything that is small that they can glue. Let the castles dry overnight before painting.
Step 3: (optional) When the glue is dry, or mostly dry, put a coat of white or light gray paint over the boxes. I did this because some of the shoeboxes were orange or black. But if you have cardboard boxes then you can skip this step.
Step 4: Put out some paints! My campers love, I mean LOVE, pink and purple. So we went with some pastel-ish colors. I like mixing the colors with a little white to make them more opaque. After they’ve finished covering their castles with delicious colors, let them dry overnight.
Step 5: Make the flags. I forgot to photograph this part. But basically, just take a piece of string and fold over little pieces of tape. I stuck the ends in the tubes and used masking tape to tape them down.
Aren’t they fabulous? I am so proud of all of their hard work.
Have a great week!
xo, Bar
meri cherry
These are INSANE!!!! I just fell in love with you all over again. OH MY GOODNESS!!!
Barbara Rucci
thank you meri cherry!! you are the nicest. it was super fun and i want to make more!! xx
Kate - The Craft Train
Love this gorgeous castle craft. Will share on my FB page 🙂
i love your creations!I am a mom too and I like making lot of recycling with my daughter and your ideas help me when I have a loss of fantasy!congrats and thank you.
Barbara Rucci
thank you federica! i’m glad you found me that that my blog will help to inspire you and your daughter. xo bar