I am so in love with these garlands that the 4-yr olds made in art camp last week. This technique was such a success that the kids asked to do it again the next day! They LOVED painting with q-tips. And I swear, there was literally no way to make these mini paintings look bad. They were all just so beautiful!
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Here’s what you’ll need:
Liquid Watercolors (I use these from Blick, buy the 8oz bottles because you will love and use them that much. I used yellow, orange, red, pink, metallic gold and fluorescent pink for this project. Amazon doesn’t display their colors, so if you want to see the full color chart you can look or buy them here.)
Watercolor paper (I use this lighter weight paper, cut to 3″ x 4″)
Small containers (I used plastic egg cartons, or you could use these palettes)
Hole punch (1/8″)
The instructions for this project are so easy. Simply put out your watercolors, let the kids add a q-tip to each color, then have them paint on their little rectangles. Once they are dry, punch a hole at the top corners and string them together. Voila! I do have a tip: cover the end of the string with a little piece of tape so it resembles a shoelace. This will make it easier to get through the little holes.
I cannot mention this enough…these are GORGEOUS!! Something so easy and pretty should be made by everyone.
It’s almost the weekend…yay! Have a great one.
xo, Bar
These are so awesome! I would happily hang these up and what a success for the kids 🙂
Barbara Rucci
thank you so much laura! and i just checked out your beautiful website…you are crazy talented. glad to meet you! 🙂
What a cute idea! Looking for things to do with my girls and they would really enjoy this
I’ve done with my 3 years old daughter and she love it! So did I!! Thank you for shearing your idea!!!
Barbara Rucci
so glad you did this Helena, and they you had so much fun. it’s my favorite art experience ever. thank you!! xo bar
Hi, which watercolor paints do you use? The link is broken to amazon.
Thank you
Barbara Rucci
sorry mei, i don’t know what happened to that link but i just fixed it. it looks like Amazon doesn’t sell the brand i love anymore, with is Blick. here is a link to the Blick site: http://www.dickblick.com/products/blick-liquid-watercolors/ thanks for stopping by! xo bar
Love these, and what a beautiful and cost-effective way to add beautiful decor to a space! {classroom or kid’s room}. Will be sharing and trying!