Before Pinterest, I used to collect books. Throughout my childhood, high school and college, my dad would buy me one big art book every Christmas. It started with Norman Rockwell, Paul Klee and Toulouse-Lautrec. As I got older, my tastes changed but my love for beautiful books did not. After marriage and children, I started…
The Importance of Play
I have just finished reading Nurture Shock, by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman, for the second time. Forgetting that I’d already read it, I picked it up again and was just as fascinated. It’s nothing like a parenting manual. In fact, this insightful book transcends basic child rearing. I highly recommend this book. The authors propose…
Jump Rope Rhymes
With spring in the air, our minds are one step away from summer. I pulled out these photos of my little guy learning to jump rope last year with his cousin and uncle. Here’s a great book of old-fashioned jump-rope rhymes that you can buy and teach your kids. Or google jump rope rhymes and…