Road trip! Last summer we decided to take a spur-of-the-moment drive up to Boston. We live in southern Connecticut so it’s about a three hour drive. My kids had never been before, and I will admit that they weren’t super excited. Since it was a “surprise” I think they thought that the next words out of…
Search Results for: summer
Creativity is Messy // Let Them Explore!
Creativity is messy, but oh so important for the exploration of self. A little about me As I child, I was always making. My mom taught me to sew when I was six, on an old Singer that had a hand crank. I would sew pillows and bags and, eventually, my Halloween costumes. I also…
Washi Tape Leaves
Recently, we went on vacation to a beautiful Caribbean island for a family reunion. We ate, slept, hiked, visited beaches, laughed with family, took a million photos, made some t-shirts, and just had the time of our lives. I brought with me a bag of washi tape (as most people do) because I thought it would…
Good Enough Mothering
It’s almost Mother’s Day here in the US. I’ve written a few posts over the years about my own mom (here and here), who is a very special person and someone I admire deeply. And a few days ago I wrote about how I think this holiday should really be called Mothering Day. So, today I’m…
Paper Mâché with Kids // Ice Cream Sundaes
There is always a very strong reaction from the kids when we do paper mâché. Some kids love it — i mean really love it — and others do not want to get that oozy stuff on their hands. But all of them say “ewww!!” the whole time they are working! It’s quite funny actually, how…
Mini Canvas Paintings with Kids
I’m so in love with these mini paintings my four-year olds made. Aren’t they beautiful? I found a roll of canvas in my attic. The same roll that I had been lugging around since college!! Yes, it’s true. For more than 20 years that roll has been moving from apartment to apartment and house to…
Artist Study with Kids: Alexander Calder
We had an artists week in art camp last summer (yes, it’s taken me this long to post everything). I’ve already shared with you our Henri Matisse “painting with scissors” collage project, and our Siona Delaunay paintings. Today I am presenting you with our Alexander Calder face sculptures. Ta-dah! Aren’t they so fantastic? Alexander Calder was…
Washi Tape Bracelets
We were away last week in the beautiful island of St. Barth’s. It was fourteen of us, living together in a villa for a family reunion like no other. My dad lives down in St. Barth’s with his wife, Ann, for part of the year. They invited me, my brother and my sister (and even my…
ALT Summit 2015 + DIY Business Cards
I know I don’t normally write about the business of blogging, but I still wanted to share a little bit of the experience I had in Salt Lake City last week. I just got back on Saturday night from 4 days at Alt Summit, a business conference for bloggers and creatives. It was pretty awesome to be surrounded…
Painting with Scissors: Kids Study Matisse
I’ve been waiting to post this series for months! I’m so excited to share the amazing art that my kids made in art camp last summer. We studied five artists over the course of a week and it was completely insane how much the kids got into it. Today I think it’s most appropriate to start…